Hatsune Miku and Vocaloid: Cultural evolution or cultural endgame?

So I recently went along to a Hatsune Miku live show, for those of you who don’t know she is a virtual popstar, in that every aspect about her is digital from voice to image.



In Japan the vocaloid phenomenon is huge, with dozens of vocaloid stars each with their own fanbase but Hatsune Miku reigns supreme.


These are just the most popular ones.

Vocaloid began it’s life as a commercial voice synthesiser backed by Yamaha, designed for producers and musicians to use at will with the idea being that the only limit is your creativity/skills. One inputs lyrics and melody and they are sung by the vocaloid of your choice. And as far as I understand one can then upload songs to services such as niconico(essentially like youtube) where should they gain enough popularity can actually become a hit single for that vocaloid, possibly even leading to it being performed at a live show, or getting onto one of the many rhythm based arcade games in Japan. The creators are credited for their work, as I have noted from playing the vocaloid/project diva arcade game. But I won’t go into the full detail, google it if you really want all the specifics.

Now one question I often hear is “how exactly does a live show work for a virtual popstar?” The answer my friends is holograms!


My poor photography attempting to capture the magic.

Technically the pepper’s ghost technique, the same technique everyone marvelled at when it was used to resurrect the late great stars Tupac and Michael Jackson, however in the case of the vocaloid stars their voices and personalities are also entirely digital. Yes I said personalities, Miku being your typical kawaii pop idol, Rin and Len the blonde twins being a bit more playful and cheeky, Meiko and Kaito being depicted as the slightly older, more mature idols. The others depicted in the above image I can’t really comment on because they didn’t appear at the show I went to.

So when I say they have personality I mean that over the course of the evening they would all address the audience as a regular popstar would, all in their own particular way, Miku as the super kawaii idol is particularly endearing, as she acts humbled by the audience, and hops around excitedly. Another aspect that really humanises them is that despite being digital constructs they aren’t perfect. Because they all have their own style, when they dance together their movements are not 100% identical as one would expect, and I think the perfect example of their imperfections is when Rin will grab Len by the arm and drag him across the stage and he will stumble and almost fall.

Another interesting aspect is that the music for the live show is not just a backing track but a full live band, an impeccable live band at that, all were clearly masters of their craft. One can’t help but wonder how such strong musicians feel about playing backup for a virtual star but they gave every impression of having the time of their lives.

But I think most interesting is the fandom, people near me shouting Miku’s name with a fervour I’ve never experienced before, more than a few times I heard the phrase “aishiteru” (I love you), and at the end of the concert raucous shouts of “arigatou”, to which I couldn’t help think “who exactly are you thanking?” However I will say arigatou to whoever sets the whole thing in motion because it was genuinely amazing.

A taste of what the live show looks like, my favourite Miku track “World is Mine”

(Apologies the wordpress embed feature is being a bitch)

Ok so now that I’m done gushing we come to the title of the article, cultural evolution or cultural endgame? For me I love it, the concept of a virtual popstar having fascinated me ever since I encountered the virtual star NG Resonance in Deus Ex: Invisible War way back in high school.

However the vocaloids are not without their critics, the main criticism is that many people question the validity of a virtual star, a criticism that has been countered with the idea that originally vocaloids were marketed as instruments rather than stars but at this point no one can deny that they have crossed that border. This has often been raised as an issue that detracts from real bands/singers which I say is poppycock, one does not have a limited amount of musicians they can be fans for, during my time here in Japan I have seen (therefore supported) the vocaloids but also many local bands, many of whom I had not even heard of before attending their shows, and I have discovered some this way for whom I would now consider myself an avowed fan. When I can get away from work I try to take this same approach at home.

There have also been some copyright issues, people using backing tracks copied from artists like Lady Gaga, people have also done direct covers using vocaloid and been subject to copyright infringement but covers have always been a bit of a grey area. There have been instances of vocaloid artists plagiarising other vocaloid artists but interestingly after many of these plagiarists have been called out the original artists have received lots of attention that they had not yet achieved. Then also there are examples such as Sega claiming copyright for the track “World is Mine” (above) even though they only own the copyright for the Project Diva arcade game. Of course copyright/plagiarism is always a serious issue, however the vocaloid community at large can hardly be blamed for this, just a few bad eggs ruining it for the rest of us.

Of course people have pirated the vocaloid software itself but in this day and age this is an inevitability so we can ignore this.

A big issue has been artists sexualising the characters which can particularly be found in the hentai/doujin (doujin meaning self published manga, mostly of the hentai variation) market, which has led to criticisms of the whole product being marketed to the lolicon fandom (essentially kiddie porn but with anime characters, which is still technically legal here though kiddie porn is not). This has also cropped up from time to time with people writing inappropriate lyrics and is of particular concern with the voiceroid derivative which is for spoken rather than sung voice synthesis, I’ll let you imagine how this could go a bit creepy. But again this is a bastardisation of the product by a small community. One can hardly blame the vocaloid community as a whole.

Essentially no new technology is without it’s issues, and most of the criticism I have personally heard has been a matter of subjective opinion, whether it be that people can’t get past the uncanny valleyness of it all or that they just plain don’t like the music. But exactly as I said to the Babymetal critics in my last post who claim that they’re ruining metal, if you choose to claim that vocaloid is in some way destroying the music industry I say fuck you and the high horse you rode in on. This shit is a lot of fun and makes a lot of people happy, if you cant accept that then go live under a rock with the other cultural luddites.

Beers I drank for this article:

Yebisu crystal amber: I was excited to see something that tagged itself as an amber ale, then disappointed to discover it lacking in any ale type flavour, just tasted like most Japanese lagers, weak and flavourless.

Shiga kogen IPA: Oooh an IPA, was what I thought, then was somewhat disappointed. Sure it’s a bit hoppy and a little bitter but overall it was pretty ordinary, I was really hoping for something with more guts.

Ao oni (blue demon): Ok Japan, now you’re talking my language, attracted by the interesting can design, when I turned it around it said IPA, having just tried the Shiga Kogen I was skeptical but that was unfounded, finally something strong and hoppy and bitter, for a beer to find in a Japanese konbini this is by far the winner, unfortunately very few konbini stock it

Dogo beer soseki: Was hard to tell what this guy was being almost entirely written in kana, the only thing it said in english was “one gulp of beer taken just after a bath is the time when you feel most refreshed” to which I think, you’re on the right track but the correct answer is when you’re drinking beer in the shower/bath. Essentially lager, but thankfully with a bit more flavour than most here.

Kirin flaveer lemon and hop: Wow this is bad, piss weak in both flavour and alcohol content, dunno why they have the word hop in there, just tastes like watered down beer with a squeeze of lemon, cannot stress enough how much to avoid this abortion of a beer.

Echigo stout: Again enticing but having been burned a few times in this country I went in with trepidation, but echigo brewery claim to be the first micro brewery in Japan so I thought maybe it’ll be a winner, and yeah it was alright as stouts go, it had all the hallmarks, dark, sorta smoky, slightly sorta chocolatey/coffeeish flavour but while these stout qualities were present they were still rather lacking.

Summer Sonic Osaka 2015 or Why I Miss BDO

Beers – so this article was sorta written in two sessions, at the festival and today finally compiling it so the beers will be split into 2 sections, at the top here the ones I drank on festival days and at the end will be the ones from today

Asahi – to be honest Japanese beer isn’t really to my taste, it’s too light in flavour, that said because of this you can drink them by the case load and in the summer heat here it works

Kirin – pretty much the same as asahi in truth.

Sapporo – again about the same although I think I like Sapporo slightly more than the others

Grand kirin – this is a step in the right direction just a bit gutsier than your average garden variety kirin

Grand kirin the aroma – to be honest it was bout the same as the regular grand kirin

Grand kirin bittersweet – different, got a kinda wheat beerish taste not bad but not great either

Grand kirin galaxy hop ipa – now this guy is much more to my taste, nice and hoppy and bitter not the best ipa out but as far as beers you can get from the konbini go this is the winner

Suntory master’s dream – bout the same as grand kirin

Asahi red eye – beer and tomato juice… not half as bad as I was expecting, in fact it’s rather enjoyable probably wouldn’t drink more than one in a session though.

Budweiser – They were selling it at the fest, I’ve been told often about how crap american beer is (craft aside) and bud did nothing to dissuade this thought,  it’s not awful, just plain average


So the first day of the festival didn’t really hold much of particular interest for me except Modestep. But the great thing about summer sonic is there’s a lot of variety which is what I mean when I say I miss BDO. It’s really interesting going to a festival where you either don’t know or are indifferent to 99% of the acts, so my massive hangover caused me to miss the first few acts so almost immediately I headed to mountain stage for Modestep. If you ever get the chance go see them cause it’s great fun. Then I decided to hang at mountain stage and check out Carly Rae Jepsen, this kind of leap in musical style is what festivals like BDO had in spades and what made it a great festival. Sure Soundwave and Future are good and all but there was something special about BDO, every year I would go at gates even if I didn’t know any acts til late in the evening because I knew that the sheer variety would yield something of interest, in fact I’ve discovered some of my favourite acts by doing just this. But I digress, Carly Rae, she performs really well, she’s super cute or should I say kawaii, not just in her physical appearance but in the way she performs, it’s very endearing and no matter what anyone says ‘Call Me Maybe’ is a shit hot song. After Carly I wandered around a bit spent a good bit of time listening to Japanese pop/pop rock groups at the flower stage just lying on the grass which was sweet but nothing really particularly worthy of note. Then it was time to hit main (ocean) stage, see what Pharell’s all about. Sorry buddy but you’re not that great a performer, catchy songs sure but he just wandered around the stage and let his backup dancers do all the work. Unimpressed I decided to go see the final act on the flower stage Epik High, these guys were great, to be honest they’re probably the only japanese hip hop group I’ve really liked. A completely unique show, 2 japanese rappers and their korean dj, who aslo spits rhymes and break dances. They start with some old school gangsta shit, then mid show drop a few slow jams and finish with some really k-pop/hip hop fusion shit, complete with and I’m quoting the guy here “k-pop dancing”. Sorry Pharell you have been completely upstaged by an obscure japanese hip hop crew. They won themselves a new fan, which from here on I will be referring to as the BDO effect. Heading over to mountain stage again I hear Pharell singing that incredibly rapey robin thicke song in the background, you know the one you only listened to so you could see that Ratajkowski chicks tits in the video.  Final act of the day was D’angelo and the Vanguard, I  knew of D’angelo and I recognised one song but the main reason I went along was one of the guys I was staying with was chefing for him. Wow! What an awesome show, funky and fresh as fuck, I couldn’t possibly overstate how impressed I was by this show, D’angelo, a prime example of the BDO effect in action. One noteworthy moment, during a song written in solidarity with victims of police brutality, he encouraged the crowd to give the black power salute, was kind of amazing seeing thousands of japanese fists in the air, couldn’t help but wonder how many of them understood the true significance of the gesture. Honestly if you get the chance go see D’angelo I promise you won’t regret it.

Day 2

Now day 2 held a lot more interest for me, started out the day with opening act きやりーぱみゅぱみゅ(Kyari Pamyu Pamyu) if you’ve heard her before its probably the song pon pon pon.

She is kawaii incarnate, I’ve worked on Katy Perry before and she has this whole cutesy schtick with all her lollipop set pieces and whatnot but Kyari achieved the same effect better utilising only her in her alice in wonderland dress and her 8 12yr old dancers. So cute and lots of fun, if you leave that show not smiling ear to ear then you have no soul – this is coming from a proudly soulless ranga. Had a dance with these two local girls wearing native american style headdresses, which just goes to show it’s not just drugged up privileged white folk who appropriate cultural artifacts ignorant of the true significance of said artifacts. Then there was a bit of a gap so I went to check out Wolf Alice, who were great, another example of the BDO effect. Spent some more time at the flower stage just chilling, grabbed a light off a couple of guys who when I told them I was aussie immediately started telling me about the time they came to Aus and specifically about going to Nimbin, their enthusiasm for Nimbin was unmatched.

Random observation: amongst the gaijin present there was an unusually high proportion of gingers, I’m talking like 30%, was kinda weird apparently we just love Japan. But again I digress, so my friends arrived shortly after Wolf Alice and we proceeded to the silent disco for a bit of a boogie.20150816_142845

Feat. Dj Penn Jilette

Then it was time for Madeon, god that kid is talented, what a great show, and very humble he had a mic on stage but I didn’t see him use it once, when the crowd cheered he would meekly give a little nod of appreciation then move on, it was refreshing. Made a new friend on the dance floor, some sorta beetle who landed on my towel and lodged there for most of the show, I named him Frederick in honour of my old pet huntsman that my housemates callously murdered (you know who you are). My friends and I parted ways as I went to see Babymetal. They had this great epic intro vid with star wars like text describing a new age of metal that transcends genres etc. If you are one of those dickheads who likes to claim that they’re ruining metal or whatever bullshit you people spout then seriously go fuck yourself cause that show was awesome, so much energy and so much fun. Toward the back of the pit I started throwin shapes with this random guy and before long we were joined by about a dozen others and it just became this awesome free expression pit, numerous people in the crowd taking pictures and videos of us rockin out.


Presented as evidence, photo taken by one of Towako’s friends, who doesn’t know me, picture tastefully editied by Towako.

Next up Rottengraffty, many people I know have compared them to Maximum The Hormone, who if you know me well you know I consider one of the best live shows out. This comparison is apt, Graffty are just great fun nu-metal/hardcore group, moshpit was wicked fun, I really like Japanese moshpits cause everyone gets in and gets reckless but unlike aus no one’s in there with the explicit purpose of hurting someone, I swear every pit I’ve been in back home featured some cunt whose taken it upon himself to make absolutely sure that I leave in serious pain, granted I do enjoy taunting those headhunting fuckers by dancing in their face and continuing to have a better time than them but I’d rather not have to. Japanese pits are just good clean violent fun.

And then to end the night a rather annoying clash of Chemical Bros and Prodigy, so I caught the first 30 mins of Chemi, last 45 of Prodigy and made it back to Chemical Bros stage in time to hear their last 2 tracks (Galvanise and Block Rockin Beats) so despite the clash this worked out pretty well for me I got to see most of the songs I was in it for from both acts.

Overall SS was an incredibly fun weekend filled with enough variety to keep me going the whole time, while I love soundwave and always have a great time 2 whole days of heavy shit just gets a little tiresome, the same for future and after SS I pine for the loss of BDO. Sure back home you can get the variety at festivals like splendour but they require a fuckin pilgrimage to attend, the Big Day Out meant you could just go and have exactly that – a big day out.

More beers

Sapporo kolsch style – doesn’t really tast very kolschy just a mildly more flavourful version of regular sapporo

Yoho brewing yona yona ale – this is nice it’s got more guts than most japanese beers unfortunately I’ve only seen it in one konbini

Suiyoubi no neko belgian white – I’m not a huge fan of white ales in truth but it was nice as far as whites go.

At this point I’m currently writing at my boy Jesse’s new craft bar TNT in Taisho, if you hit Osaka check it out

Stone ruin ten triple ipa – hoppy as hell beautifully balanced though, 10.8% alc, just excellent brewing

Karl straus brewing wreck alley imperial stout – shit hot, love me a good imperial and this is right up there, dark, bitter, robust, just good

Ballast point calm before the storm cream vanilla coffee ale – tastes like it sounds creamy and coffee-y, nice

Georgetown johnny utah citra pale – the use of the word citra is appropriate, definitely citrusy, really smooth pale

Coronado orange avenue wheat – to be honest I’m not huge on wheats but as far as they go this one is up there.

Rogue right hand of doom red ale – sponsored by dark horse, hellboy beer, amazing coincidence just as I was buying it nick cave’s red right hand randomly came on the stereo, and also this beer marks number 333 on the beerdex, it’s delicious really nice and bitter a top shelf red ale

The Jurassic Franchise: An Evolution of Insanity

Preface: The purpose of this blog is to combine my twin loves of beer and pop culture into something vaguely constructive. The following article was written under the influence of the beers reviewed within, this becomes more noticable toward the end. The only sober editing involved has been the correction of spelling and syntax inherent in trying to interpret and type my drunkenly scrawled shorthand and the addition of links and pictures. Gonna go ahead and slap a spoiler warning in for everything I write on here because well, they will all be written while intoxicated so I’m not holding myself responsible for ruining shit for you.

With the recent box office devastation of Jurassic World and having recently finished 3 weeks working on Squabbalogic’s excellent production of the parody musical Triassic Parq

Squabbalogic_LogoObligatory plug. If you get a chance their shows are always top notch.

I figure now is a good time to examine the Jurassic franchise as a whole. So after an evening of dinosaur song and dance I sat down with a variety of beers and over the course of the night took a close study of all four films.

But before we jump right in let’s get into some beer:
Rogue Sriracha Stout – It is what it says, an impeccable Rogue stout infused with Sriracha. At $25 for 750ml it’s damn expensive, but god is it good. Highly recommended.

Doctor’s Orders Iron Lung, Black Imperial Pilsener – Dark and bitter but not as heavy and overpowering as some black beers, I could drink this beer for days.


And so without further ado.

The Jurassic Franchise: An Evolution of Insanity

Well what can be said about Jurassic Park other than fuck is it good. The effects hold up wonderfully, Samuel L delivers his most subdued performance to date.

That’s the most worked up he gets the entire film.

Even Sam Neill’s somewhat wooden performance can’t diminish it because we all know this film is the role he was always meant for just as we were meant to eat red meat.

In case you forgot about that ad campaign.

It’s just wonderful.
It does take on a different complexion in light of Triassic Parq which suggests that the dinosaurs are not inherently aggressive, they’re merely suffering a crisis of faith (they worship the lab that created them), caused by a sudden gender identity crisis brought about by life finding a way (T-rex grows a dick). Conceptually it somewhat diminishes the plight of the humans.

And at this juncture I digress to address the beers I drank during the film:
James Squire, 150 Lashes – A fairly basic but tasty and easily drinkable pale.

Willie the Boatman, Foo Brew – An interesting unique hop flavour, bold but not overpowering like an IPA.

Distinguished Golden Ale – Not really golden in colour or flavour, just tastes like a middle of the road lager. (pic pending)

Which brings us to The Lost World: Jurassic Park. Now even yesterday before watching them I’d have said that what I’m going to say next is madness but here we are. The Lost World is a better film than the original. Now obviously this film would be nothing without standing on the shoulders of what came before but the same can be said about Empire Strikes Back and the objective consensus is that it is the stronger film.
This film extends the core concepts and themes of the original in a number of terrific ways. We go from dino zoo to full blown dino safari. Instead of Sam Neill and Laura Dern we are treated to the wonderful chemistry of Julianne Moore and Jeff Goldblum (the original film even reinforces Goldblum’s superiority as protagonist when Hammond says “I bring scientists, you bring a rockstar.”) The parenting theme from the original is back taking it’s cue from Goldblum’s line “I’m always on the lookout for the future ex Mrs Malcolm” positioning him as an absentee father, culminating in his daughter singlehandedly killing a raptor with her badass ninja gymnast skills.

Hammond’s philosophy has extended in the words of Dr Malcolm “from capitalist to naturalist.” but he still retains his tradmark hubris. We are treated to the legendary Pete Postlethwaite

vds4krm3wkgglro4y6qgI cannot express how much love I have for that guy, may he rest in peace.

And we get to see Ingen start to turn into Weiland-Yutani. Of course the film is not without it’s flaws.


How did it eat him and leave his hand on the wheel without smashing the bridge apart?

But it drives the franchise boldly forward.

And I take this opportunity to return to the beer at hand:
Temple Brewing, New World Order, American Stout – As soon as I popped it open I smelled it, bitter and dark, first taste confirmed this but also revealed a sweet hoppy almost beery like character. Strongly recommend.

Sierra Nevada in Collaboration with the Monks of the Abbey of New Clairvaux, Ovila Abbey Tripel – fancy lookin, long title, corked and everything, sweet and malty but surprisingly and disappointingly weak in overall flavour.

San Miguel Pale Pilsen – not much to say about it really other than it goes down easy.


And so we come to … Jurassic Park 3 … was expecting a roll of thunder or something there. This film drove the crazy train from Ballsout to Batshit Insane at record pace. But the biggest problem with this film is that they failed to capitalise on the most promising concept it introduces. The kid survived on Isla Sorna for 8 weeks on his own! That’s the movie I wanna see.
To extend my Star Wars comparison this film is at best The Phantom Menace. The raptors have suddenly leapt from apex predator level intelligence to full blown social intelligence. They have fucking conversations, this is not how predators communicate. This sudden leap in intelligence gives rise to some utterly ridiculous scenes, such as the scene where they cripple Michael Jeter, use him as a trap and when that fails they snap his neck, not rip out his jugular or disembowel him but snap his neck with rambo precision and then just leave him there.

Cut to bout 1:40 for the ridiculous neck snap.

It’s just stupid on it’s face and then it happens again when the Spinosaurus does it to the T-rex.

Cut to 0:52 for this one.

The spinosaurus for which the only explanation is “makes you wonder what else they were up to.” But at least when you couple this creature’s mysterious origin with the scene in which they pass all the test tubes with the aborted dino foetus’ it reinforces my Ingen/Weiland-Yutani comparison. And we get to enjoy the delightful William H Macy and who doesn’t love that guy.

More beer:
Sierra Nevada 2015 Beer Camp Hoppy Lager – tastes exactly how it sounds, like a hoppy lager, tasty.

Temple Brewing, Bicycle Beer – got a slightly fruity character but still nice and bitter with a lovely smoky overtone.

Peroni Puro Malto – Fancy champagne lookin bottle, to be honest just tastes like regular peroni.


And so we come to the crux of the matter: Jurassic World. First and foremost there’s lots to like about this film. It’s loaded with Chris Prattitude, dino action and the ever wonderful Vincent D’onofrio. They keep the parenting theme that is inherent to the original trilogy only this time it’s the career driven aunt who learns the importance of family by almost getting them killed by dinosaurs. But it’s crowning achievement is the fact that fuck I wanna go to that park. They make it look dope. Those fucking gyropsheres!


Tell me you don’t want to do that.

Few things though: The lysine contingency, we are told that the dinosaurs cannot survive without lysine supplements but in JP2 we learn that they have figured out a lysine rich diet on Isla Sorna, which means there is no reason to assume the same didn’t happen on Isla Nublar. Jurassic World takes place back on Isla Nublar, given the extent to which the dinosaurs have populated Isla Sorna, the only way Jurassic World could have possibly been built would have been an enormous cull. By this point the whole world knows about these islands, so surely they must have experienced massive pushback. In JP2 they mention a timeframe of 4 years between the films, the same as the real world separation so if we can assume temporal convergence for the whole franchise then we see a 14yr gap where Ingen were presumably lobbying non stop to be allowed to re-open. Apparently rebranding is enough to overcome a private catastrophe and 2 international incidents. This makes for a surprisingly convenient analogy for the damage done to the franchise by JP3.

We learn very early that they are making up new dinosaurs, and when Vinnny D establishes his character’s ignorance by asking “how do you make them…?” (fuck) I can’t help but remember the words of our singing transexual T-rex protagonist from Triassic Parq in the song Dick Fix: “When I feel this itch, come sun, some rain, I wanna take my dick and put it in somethain!”

So all this talk of breeding super predators puts me in fear of JP3 levels of ridiculous dino intelligence but thankfully when we meet the raptors, despite everyone’s new favourite everyman being the raptor whisperer, they seem to have reverted to their original apex predator level intelligence. Kingpin wants to weaponise them which nicely completes my Weiland-Yutani analogy and also leads to some badass action sequences.

screen-shot-2014-11-25-at-1-07-37-pmCome on, that sequence is wicked.

So far so good, even the somewhat absurd hyper intelligence of the Indominus couldn’t ruin this film for me … right up until it did. The second it encounters them our raptors are back to JP3 conversation holding brainosaurs all because … big reveal … it’s part raptor. And suddenly raptors are people-smart again. I was happy to concede the genetically engineered monster could be super smart, but suddenly it’s holding court with the raptors and they’re making complex social decisions. Seriously all they needed for that scene to read and not piss me off was Indominus roars at them, they cower, hesitate, then turn on the people. I really cannot stress how much the dino conversations piss me off.

The Indominus’ origins lend another interesting convergence with Triassic Parq, in the end of which we discover that our transexual T-rex has impregnated our velociraptor protagonist, it’s fun to imagine that when they returned to Isla Nublar they discovered this new hybrid and B.D. Wong simply claimed he invented it.

Overall I really appreciated this film because of my love for the franchise as a whole but it’s inevitable descent into insanity brings me back to Jeff Goldblum’s line “they were so preoccupied with whether or not they could they didn’t stop to think if they should.”
In fact I just figured out my whole point, this franchise is a perfect analogy for the current state of hollywood, with like 90% of hollywood films currently being either franchises or remakes. While it’s fun to indulge in nostalgia we’re getting so carried away with it we haven’t stopped to think if we really should be resurrecting these extinct properties.